The Blog and The Blogger

The Blog

Book Adoration is a blog where a little bit of everything bookish although I read mainly YA. There will be reviews for YA novels, MG novels, graphic novels, manga, and the occasional picture book review. There will be more positive reviews than negative. This is not because I like all the books I read but because I believe that life is to short to read a bad book when I don’t have to. There may be the occasional negative review but don’t expect many. I didn’t create this blog to rant about books I didn’t have to read in the first place–I do respect other bloggers for being able to read a book they didn’t like and create a very fun, ranty review to read, but ranty and negative is just not my style. I do hope you stick around and talk books with me ^_^

Lottie Eve

I am a novice book reviewer. Whenever I go to the bookstore to buy a book I usually buy five more books I did not plan to read.Β I read my first chapter book in first grade and never looked back. If you locked me in a library I wouldn’t be mad-I practically live there anyway. My favorites books are the ones that make me laugh, cry, smile, surpised, and think. I love tragic endings(although a happy ending never hurts πŸ™‚ ) even though I cry because of them. I have trouble describing books I love. I am a very girly person(skirts, makeup, and bows all the way!) I can describe myself with one gif:

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25 thoughts on “The Blog and The Blogger

  1. “Whenever I go to the bookstore to buy a book I usually buy five more books I did not plan to read.”

    πŸ˜€ Every book lover will smile at this. It’s a good investment too.. you always have something nice to tuck into πŸ™‚

  2. Great blog, I look forward to finding a bucket load of books to read that I had never heard of, the werious question though is why would I want to put books in a bucket?

  3. You and I have the same theme for our blogs, and yet yours is just…wow. Lovely! And I also agree with your love of books that have tragic endings. I don’t mind looking like a raisin after a good book, all dried up by crying out any water in me.
    New follower πŸ™‚

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